Maternar para nosotres mismes

Mothering for ourselves

Just as the dahlias emerged this month in my garden, so did various feelings accompanied by questions...
How to celebrate a day in honor of that being that you love so much and that is  far away, or when that physical presence is no longer there, or when that important figure in your life was more absent than present and continues to be... or when it is a complicated relationship, how do you reconcile with a celebration in which you think you are not there? included, of which you are not part…
And phew getting to that answer, although I would call it more of a proposal, took days, however, it made a lot of sense to me:
Manage to mother ourselves.

And now the question was how... after thinking about it several times and talking about it with several friends, suggestions appeared...

As taking care of ourselves from love...
Paddling ourselves with that deli food that we like so much, especially on those difficult days...
Listening to our body when it asks us to stop to take a break and why not, pamper it with a massage.
Accompanying our emotions by allowing them to be, to express themselves, to emerge.
Nurturing our dreams learning what we have postponed for so long.
Being our own refuge when everything weighs and that hug to reach, being our own home. 

Because they taught us that mothering was something we received, and the truth is that it is something we can also give ourselves.
It does a lot of good to mother us.
I hope this felt like a little hug in the rain. 

And to say goodbye I want to leave you with some things and ideas that we love at Alcachofa y Romero that could help you in this process of mothering yourself:

-A healing Glou candle to harmonize your space.
-Some letters with affirmation messages to take care of your thoughts.
-A beautiful cup to prepare a deli cocoa that will warm your heart.
-A relaxing oil to pamper your body with a massage after a long day.

And if you can think of more ideas about how to breastfeed, I would love to read them in the comments...