I am Sofia, creator of Artichoke and Rosemary.
On behalf of the entire team, thank you for your interest in having your project in our home. We are honored and take it with great responsibility and respect for your work. We have more than 5 years of history and a very nice and loyal community.
Before continuing and explaining the process and before leaving products to any member of our team, please consider the following to know if your product applies and is compatible with our space. You need to know that for values, we only welcome products and projects with the following characteristics.
- Mexican and local: This means that the products are created somewhere in Mexico, that the ingredients are from Mexico or that the project is born and made here.
- With natural and biodegradable ingredients or materials. The ingredients must be COMPLETELY known and transparent for you and us. They must be natural, good for the environment and water, conscious and good for the skin and health of whoever uses them. And if they are objects, they must be made with environmentally responsible materials.
- With responsible packaging in some way. It could be with a return system, with less packaging, with cardboard or compostable packaging with recyclable packaging that you collect and recycle, with packaging that you collect and refill or reuse. Or with previously recycled materials. It could be any or all of the above. We have collection programs to facilitate this as well and it would be a matter of discussing it :)
- 100% vegan. This means that there are no materials or ingredients that come from an animal. We do not accept products with honey or bee pollen, nothing with wool, nothing with leather, nothing with silk, and no type of animal collagen. Nor insects.
- 100% cruelty free
- Fair trade
- 100% Functional
In addition to this list, we take into consideration other factors, such as colors, visual aesthetics, compatibility in designs, etc.
If you want your brand or project to be with us, we will need to test it in some way first, so we recommend you send some tests to our store.
This is our shipping address:
Artichoke and Rosemary
Amsterdam 244 local C On Michoacan street CP. 06100
Col. Hippodrome Condesa
Before you send it, please send an email to comunidad@alcachofayromero.com.mx with this in the subject: Delivery of products in store _______________ (the name of your brand). In the email, please add your catalog, project or product information, prices with VAT and the margin you manage with distributors.
After receiving this information and your products, the following will happen:
-If it catches our attention and meets the requirements, I will test and use the products. This is the only way to really get to know your brand. See how long it lasts, understand its functionality and receive the benefits. Whether it is a garment or accessory or a skin product. Therefore, whatever your product is, what you leave behind stays with us and cannot be returned to you, regardless of the decision we make in the end about whether or not to include it in our project.
If we like the product and consider adding it, it will take us approximately 2 to 3 weeks to contact you. This will allow us to have a good trial period.
If you do not hear from us after a month, it is likely that for some reason your product cannot be considered for sale in our store, at least for the time being.
But we will keep your information for future consideration. If at any time they change their presentation or improve their products, do not hesitate to contact us again.
All of these requirements are to be much more serious about your project and give it the place it deserves.
Finally, thank you VERY MUCH for considering us to be the home of your project.
And for believing in us.
We'll talk to you soon.
Sofia, Artichoke.