El Cuidado: la esencia de lo que somos

Caring: the essence of who we are

At Al and Ro we love that you always find care and comfort, I could say that it is the thick trunk of this house, the one from which the other branches are born and that sustains dreams, intentions, time, respectful decisions with animals, people and the environment... .

And for everything to exist, it is because care was part of it from the beginning, that which attends, that preserves, conserves, that cares, that is so expansive that it reaches you without ever leaving sight of its origin: The Earth.

Therefore, I want to share with you a little bit of what lies behind some of the processes of this house and the projects that inhabit it:

The ethical journey of María Cacao: This Cacao that uff just by smelling it is already wow, begins in the plantations of Comalcalco, Tabasco, where local farmers, inspired by tradition and dedication, grow the best cocoa beans in a sustainable way, with care and respect for the environment, maintaining biodiversity in the soil, in addition, It is governed by a fair trade practice, where farmers receive fair and direct compensation for their hard work, which encourages these good practices to continue to be preserved over time.

Now let's talk about the amber containers that characterize Remedios del Bosque so much and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

They are made of glass, one of the best materials to recycle and reuse infinitely, since glass is mainly made of a natural substance that constitutes 59% of the Earth's crust, in addition to being manufactured with the intention of using them thousands and thousands of times. times... which is why Remedios created RECICLO, a program to collect the containers that you have already used and which consists of you taking these clean containers to your nearest point, like Al and Ro, so they can return to the laboratory where they will be They remove the labels, sterilize, and are ready to use again! Can you imagine all the stories a single container could tell?

And well, just as care reaches you, there are creations like the Botanical Project that extend it to other beings that also co-inhabit and are part of this Earth, because with every purchase you make there is a percentage that is donated to the Taraji Foundation , a voluntary initiative with the 'enormous desire to help dogs and cats find a family with whom to share their enormous capacity to love'.

Native Story is not far behind either, because to give back a little to the Earth of all that it gives us, it has created collaborations with other projects to encourage copal reforestation in the valleys of Oaxaca, since most of its creations are made with copal, so its conservation is super important, and you can join this initiative by adopting copal trees from wherever you are or by planting your own little tree with your own hands.

And uff, I could continue telling you many more stories, inspired and connected for the same reason: Caring, a value that to this day has accompanied our decisions when choosing each project we host and that we want you to also embrace and make part of your day. Today, you can see some special recommendations for you here , because we faithfully believe that care is one of the most loving acts that we can do for ourselves and for everything that accompanies us and sustains us and makes living viable.