Alimento, medicina, y amor; Cacao pa´l corazón

Food, medicine, and love; Cacao for the heart

Cocoa is a tree, it is a seed, it is food, it is medicine, it is expanding the heart.

It has accompanied us throughout our evolution, from pre-Hispanic times to the present day. The Mayans and the Aztecs used cacao as a tool and a tribute to connect with the gods and with themselves.

They held ceremonies in which they prepared the cocoa drink, frothed it, and drank it as a community to get closer to the divine. This sacred drink became a bridge to the gods. But it was also a connection in the community; drinking it together, to create bonds and strengthen the sense of belonging and collectivity. This was a practice as valuable as cocoa itself. Spaces were prepared with music, bringing nature closer with plants and herbs, in addition to chanting and saying prayers to unite with the divinity.

These collective ceremonies were also about taking a break to have a space for gratitude and introspection. The gods were thanked for their generosity and tributes were offered to demonstrate their devotion.

Today we know that the chemical components present in cocoa also cause physical effects such as increased blood flow, so it now seems logical to us that it was believed since ancient times that cocoa expands the heart. Of course! Imagine that after drinking cocoa, your heart pumps more blood, beats faster, and therefore swells, grows a little, expands.

Now it makes perfect sense that it is called the “food of the Gods,” don’t you think? Think of all the connection that has been created with this beautiful plant; of all the beings who have entrusted it with their processes of reflection, learning, and who have thanked it for all the blessings of life. Without a doubt, drinking cacao is a beautiful practice, loaded with a lot of spiritual meaning, openness, and union. How magical!

You know very well that here at Alcachofa y Romero, we are in love with everything that makes us connect with others and with the earth. If it nourishes you in body and soul, we love it. That is why we believe and trust a lot in a beautiful brand that is created with the same love with which I already told you that our ancestors prepared their delicious sparkling drink.

María Cacao is a brand that has the best “Celestial Grade” cocoa. Celestial because it is prepared by hand with all the care. Celestial because it comes directly from producers who give all their love to this sacred plant. Celestial because it connects you with yourself and with the world. Celestial because its flavor and its foam take you to heaven. Celestial because it seeks to bring us very close to these practices that have been considered divine.

Maria and her team prepare each bar of the best organic cocoa in their workshop. And they do it in an artisanal way, so that it has the same spiritual value as those beautiful Aztec and Mayan ceremonies. So you too can have that great experience of introspecting with cocoa.

Here are some tips so you can create a beautiful space accompanied by the cacao master:

Choose a good time and a good place

Cocoa has the ability to stimulate the nervous system, so I recommend that you make time in the morning, right at the start of the day, to fill yourself with the best spiritual and physical energy after your personal ceremony.

Try to find a comfortable place for you, where you can prepare and drink it with all the peace and comfort that is required. You can use candles, incense, incense, put on music; or whatever helps you enter a state of calm and peace.

Prepare it with intention

The recipe we recommend is simple and ancient:

  • Heat water. Feel the steam running through the room and filling you with warmth.
  • Break up your portion of cocoa. Break it up little by little, and notice the sensations and aromas that reach you.
  • Blend. The best way to get a foamy drink is to blend it well. Remember that this cocoa is 100% pure, so it will not dilute easily. To blend it, you must blend the pieces and the hot water. If you are not used to the bitterness, this is the perfect time to sweeten with a little agave honey or monk fruit.

Watch it and watch yourself

Pour your cocoa into that special cup. Look at those beautiful bubbles and the rainbows they form. Notice how you feel, how your breathing slows down, how the aroma of the drink reaches your nose and its notes invade your body. How delicious it feels to hold the warm cup in your hands.

Expand your heart

Drink it. Sip it slowly. Feel every sensation in your mouth. The heat, the bitterness, the bubbles, the thickness. Let your body absorb its benefits. Notice how your heart beats faster and your body relaxes.

Thank you

Remember that the main reasons for these ceremonies were to give thanks and introspect; connect with them. Go inward. You can start by thanking the cacao and continue with your personal list of thanks. Think about those things you want to reflect on and take advantage of the time it takes to finish your cup to shape them, to look at them from perspectives you may not have considered. Don't forget that our ancestors thought that cacao helps you speak from the heart. So be honest with yourself and speak to yourself from the bottom of that beautiful beating heart.

Close with love

Pamper yourself and thank yourself for giving you this space. Thank the cocoa for being a tool and helping you. You can close your eyes and take a few breaths before finishing. Hug yourself tightly, tightly.

What we offer you here is a personal space, just you and the cocoa. But remember that the ceremonies are done in community, so you can also invite your family and friends to live this experience as a group, so that the love, the pampering and the connection multiply and never end.

Ceremonies are and always will be sacred spaces that must be respected. What we recommend here is to take a brief look at some of the main elements that we know today have helped generations to enjoy the properties and benefits of cocoa.

We are sacred. Our plants are sacred. And as long as we always connect with respect and love, our practices will be sacred too.

Don't forget to have an open heart, let your mind expand and hold your hand and the hands of your tribe tightly.

You can find this magical cocoa here .

With love, Mar.