Hello fam!
I hope this little letter makes you happy
How is your summer going?
I am traveling! In another country and on another continent. I love to get out of the bubble sometimes and hear other languages and see different things that move me.
I came to visit my family for a while, to celebrate the love and union of two people, to spend quality time and then to visit some shops and places to get inspiration.
I like visiting other stores and seeing how they do certain things so I can take them and improve my own in this space. I've seen some really nice places.
But, in my search for local, organic and responsible products, I realized (once again) several things and came to a profound reflection that I want to share.
Sometimes we minimize what we find in our country. Sometimes we imagine that in “more advanced” places everything is better and there are better things.
When people from outside visit Alcachofa y Romero I feel super proud because in my mind what we offer here is UNIQUE and has so much soul. I have not seen anything like it and I have looked for it.
I've caught myself searching for something similar in other countries and continents.
And the thing is, all places are unique, but I do want to remember this.
In Mexico, we often take for granted our deep connection with the earth and plants. Since ancient times, our ancestors have known how to take advantage of herbal medicine, making remedies and products with their own hands. Using plants to heal and respect the soil from which they come is not something new for us, it is a thousand-year-old tradition.
To put it into perspective, herbalism in Mexico has roots that date back to ancient Mesoamerican civilizations. The Aztecs and Mayans, for example, documented the use of over 1,200 medicinal plants in the “Codex de la Cruz-Badiano” in 1552, one of the world’s first pharmacopoeias. This knowledge not only survived, but has been refined over time. Or take pottery, which has been a vital part of our culture for over 3,000 years. The earliest traces of pottery in Mexico date back to 2,300 BC, and the tradition has evolved into the beautiful Talavera and black clay pieces we know today.
Compared to other places in the world, I see that this awareness and respect for nature is not as present, not like this. Not in the same way, clearly.
In many developed countries, mass production and the use of chemicals are the norm, partly because they do not have the same wealth of herbs and natural resources that we have in Mexico. For example, Mexico is home to around 10% of the world's biodiversity, which gives us an impressive variety of plants and materials to work with sustainably.
Take, for example, artisanal soaps that use ingredients like nopal, aloe vera, calendula, rosemary, chamomile, and tepezcohuite. Not only are they good for the skin, but they are made without harsh chemicals and in biodegradable packaging. Or solid shampoos that eliminate plastic bottles and are filled with local essential oils. These are small wonders that make a big difference.
Not to mention our clothes made from organic cotton or linen and dyed with natural dyes such as avocado or onion peel. Or our ceramics that fuse traditional techniques with modern designs, made from local clay and following sustainable processes.
These products are not just pretty and useful things; they represent our identity and our commitment to sustainability. Most importantly, I firmly believe that every purchase and search for these items is a vote for the protection of our traditions and our environment.
And makes them survive and stay.
We have something special and it is our responsibility to protect and support it. It is not just a matter of pride, but of the future. We have to rescue and take advantage of these traditional methods and adapt them to modern times.
So, next time you are looking for something, let us always think about what we have here first. Let us treasure that deep connection we have with nature. Because at the end of the day, caring for and respecting our land is caring for ourselves and for the generations to come.
Let's get to know these projects, ask them about their processes and get inspired to continue their legacy by supporting, starting, buying or planting.
Let's take advantage of and celebrate what we have in Mexico! Let's never forget how precious it is in the world.
Now, I'll leave you with 5 products that came to mind on this trip.
- Aromatic breezes or botanical perfumes . I've been looking for them everywhere and they don't exist like this here. Made from native ingredients and with artisanal herbal processes. They are a delight to put in your spaces in your bed, in your pajamas, before going out, before meditating, at work... to bring in your bag or leave on your nightstand. They are simply magical and very special.

Not that they need to be here, but anyone here would want to have him nearby.
With love, Alcachofffa